Scholarship Contract

The Forest-Aires Women’s Chorus

Vocal Scholarship Contract – 2023 – 2024

IT IS AGREED that the Forest-Aires Women’s Chorus, a 501(c)(3) women’s choral group, will provide a one-thousand ($1000) scholarship: five-hundred-dollar ($500) for weekly private vocal instruction between October 2023 and April 2024 with an instructor acceptable to the Forest-Aires Board and the Choral Director of the recipient’s school. The lessons must be completed one week prior to our spring show, ENCORE! 2024, and cannot be carried over into the summer. The remaining five-hundred-dollars ($500) shall be used at the student’s discretion.

In return for this scholarship, the recipient:

Shall submit this contract, signed by the scholar and a parent, at The Scholar Reception on October 23rd, and will begin voice lessons by the second week of November 2023. The scholar is to be punctual for lessons and diligent in attendance and in all instructional requirements, sickness or family emergency are the only exceptions for absence.

Shall perform a musical selection in the annual Forest-Aires spring show.

ENCORE! April 19, 20, & 21, 2024 at the Anderson Center Theater and to attend two rehearsals for this production on April 15 and 17. The scholar’s attendance on these five dates is mandatory, and provisions for transportation are expected.  The musical piece will be selected by the Forest-Aires Creative Committee in coordination with the student’s voice teacher.

  • Shall be responsible for payment of any missed lessons.
  • Shall sell four tickets to ENCORE! (Mandatory)

Shall agree that their image/photograph and approved personal biography can be used in publicity, the program, and The Forest-Aires’ website.

Failure to comply with any of these expectations will result in forfeiture and repayment of the scholarship.

Questions or concerns should be directed to the Forest-Aires President, Jeanie Peter or (513) 560-7093.


Scholarship Recipient ______________________________ Date________________

Recipient’s Parent __________________________________ Date________________

Forest-Aires President______________________________ Date________________